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How Does Structural Integration Feel?

How Does SI Feel?

Prospective clients want to know how great a structural integration session feels like at Asheville Structural Integration (ASI).  Can they reduce their pain, stiffness, and stress without it being painful?  How does it feel to address a root cause of their pain?  

While Structural Integration (SI) has the potential to affect profound change, the practitioner pays attention to the comfort range of the client so that the process is a nurturing one. Sometimes people experience relief as chronic holding patterns are released. Yet sometimes brief periods of discomfort are associated with this "letting go" of the chronic stresses and holding patterns in the tissue. Sensations experienced while receiving the work are momentary and changing. As we confront our structural issues, we become stronger, more grounded and closer to our essence.

General principles that seem to work are as follows:

  • Layering. This practitioner works the layered facial web from the outside in during the first 7 sessions; then working from the inside out, integrating the work in sessions 8 - 10. Initially, I go in only as far as the first layer that offers resistance, and then work along that layer. I generally work the tissue in the direction that it needs to go, with the body gratefully accepting the work.

  • Pacing. I work at the rate of the tissue melting from a solid to a gel state. Speed is the enemy of sensitivity. The client is much more likely to keep the change if the tissue and client is not resisting the change. Pain accompanied by the client's intention to withdraw is reason to stop, let up, or slow down.

  • Participation. Client movement makes the work more effective. My most participatory clients seem to have the greatest amount of change. Client participation and body awareness tends to increase as the sessions progress. My own experience lends me to believe that the client's experience of new paradigms increases the acceptance of change.

The best way to learn how it feels is to check out the huge amount of these testimonials that describe the experience.  

SI is Holistic Complimentry
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