This is a very short clever animation that clearly focuses on the benefits of structural integration. The re-written story of Jack and Jill plays on the audience’s familiarity with how both characters got hurt climbing a hill in life.
To save video viewer time, it only focuses on Jill’s journey. It describes her success with Structural Integration in healing herself. What the audience must infer, due to lack of video time, is how Jack discovered structural integration to heal himself. He obviously was so impressed with his results, that he became a structural integration practitioner.
There are subtle subliminal hints throughout the film that support this. The attentive viewer will also note that the first name of the structural integration practitioner, that Jill goes to, is Jack. — The film will direct you to go to the website, “” to learn more, and where you will find out how true that was for Jack.
If you like the story, please “like it” and share it on social media, so that more people can be exposed to the benefits of structural integration, while having fun learning.
In the future this author will be offering more restructured familiar stories presented by Possibility Pictures, that will go beyond the benefits of structural integration.
Let me know what you would like to learn about, or see.
About the author, Jack Boyd, LMBT
Passionate about personal growth and transformation while evolving community, Jack is the owner of Asheville Structural Integration and co-founder of the Conscious Health Collaborative.
Jack’s professional career reflects his strong commitment to healthy personal growth and development, as a licensed massage and bodywork therapist, and through other endeavors in teaching, athletic coaching, and personal life coaching with Landmark Education.
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